Employment Law Updates for 2024

Are you aware of all the employment law changes that have come into force since April 2024? This blog tells you what you need to know to avoid costly mistakes and potential legal action from employees.

Holiday Pay Calculation

On 1st April the calculation method for holiday pay changed for part-year and irregular-hours workers. Holiday Pay is now based on 12.07% of the hours worked in the previous pay period. Rolled-up holiday pay is also permitted in certain circumstances.

Maternity Leave Regulations

Maternity leave regulations changed on 6th April. Redundancy protection now begins as soon as an employee tells their employer that they are pregnant. If the employee is not entitled to statutory maternity leave then the protected period ends two weeks after the pregnancy ends. These new rules apply to pregnancies notified to the employer on or after 6 April 2024, maternity leave ending on or after 6 April 2024, and adoption / shared parental leave starting on or after 6 April 2024.

Paternity Leave Regulations

Fathers now have the right to split their paternity leave and pay into two separate one week periods, and to take their leave and pay at any time in the first year after their child is born or adopted (rather than during the first 8 weeks).

Statutory Rate Changes

Rate changes were  announced from 6 April 2024 including statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental and parental bereavement leave pay. Find out more in our guide to the 2024-25 tax year.

Carer’s Leave Entitlement

From 6th April, a new entitlement to Carer’s Leave came into force. This entitles employees who care for dependents with long term needs to up to one week’s unpaid leave in every 12 months.

Flexible Working

The right to request flexible working is now a day one employment right, and employees can make two requests in any 12-moth period. Employers will not be able to refuse a request unless the employee has been consulted, and will have to make a decision within 2 months (unless an extension is agreed by both parties). When making a request, the employee is not required to explain how their request may affect the employer or provide ideas for mitigating the effect of their request.

If keeping up with all this changing legislation sounds like a lot of hassle, why not outsource your payroll to us here at Payroll Junction? Get a quote today.